Each show day

1. Monitor stock levels (especially after day 1)

Be sure to keep an inventory of how much stock you have sold each day, and what you have remaining. Reassess at the end of each day if you have sold more than you expected and if you think you're going to run out of product, hopefully you're in a position to order more in. Or be prepapred with a back-up plan to take orders and offer delivery after the show.

2. The three minute staff debrief

See 'Managing a team effectively' to get started for our consumer shows.
See 'Managing a team effectively' to get started for our trade shows. 

3. Make a copy of sales leads (back them up)

See the guide for information on sales leads for our consumer shows.
See the guide for information on sales leads for our trade shows. 

4. Monitor and post to social media

See the guide to get started for our consumer shows.
See the guide to get started for our trade shows. 

5. Check your float

Ensure you have enough change.