Complimentary tickets
You will receive a small complimentary ticket allocation with your stand booking. You can also order more tickets from the organisers at discounted exhibitor rates.
Effective ways to use your tickets to support your campaign include:
- Send complimentary tickets to customers and prospects with a personal letter highlighting why they should come to the show, what they’ll see at your stand, where you’ll be located, and where to call for more information. Send an extra ticket for them to pass on to a colleague.
- Include a printed announcement of what you’ll be demonstrating at the show.
- Invite potential trade contacts.
- Insert tickets into invoices, order fulfilment, and other business correspondence.
- Use tickets as competition giveaways (ie. on your Facebook, Instagram or other social pages).
A carefully thought-out campaign, dovetailed with existing advertising, PR, and direct mail campaigns can reap excellent rewards.